Tuesday, 6 March 2012


I have spent today experimenting more with illustrator for my mixed media assignment.

I decided to create a puppet style image using illustrator using the paintbrush tool, I edited my image using photoshop first to get the desired look and then in illustrator added the lines and the font.

Original image:

This is the first time I have used illustrator and I am finding it easy to use for the basics, but I am still struggling with harder things such as drawing items.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

New Brief - Typography 2


Typography 2

CODE: AM90020-1




Different fonts convey diverse meanings and blend in with other elements of a piece, for example a marker scribed font overlaid with an image of royalty would convey an anti establishment or revolutionary visual description (see Jamie Reid).

Task one - Task one – what type are you

Pentagram, a notable design studio set up by Alan Fletcher, Theo Crosby, Colin Forbes, Kenneth Grange and Mervyn Kurlansky in 1972 have taken the task of identifying everyone a type face that suites their personality, go to the site below and find out what type you are. Then find out about that font and as much visual information as possible.

Discuss with the group (& document) –
What type you are and do you agree?
Do the origins and definitions of the type sit with you as a person / photographer?
Are the ways in which the font is used with imagery match what you would used?


You are then asked to produce an image to along with this font, but the image must represent you as a photographer. Does this work?

Task 2 – Read, discuss and summarise the following articles



Task 3 –

You are asked to select images from each of the list below and find an appropriate font to go with it, with this you must summarise (in written form) why you have chosen the font and image including why the font is appropriate. (Own photography preferred)

Editorial photography
Documentary Photography
Fashion photography

Research-Look into typography and the different forms it takes.

DevelopmentTry different font document and reflect upon your choices
Final piece’s – each photograph should be displayed with a font (this can be on or off the image)


The end product must be fully annotated using relevant terminology.

Investigate use of typography in photography, video, animation, drawing, interactivity, decency, controversy, colour, tutorials, and anything that you find. Also think about the different ways your work could be delivered, screen, print, Internet, mobile devices.

· Find out the meaning and use of basic typographical terminology.

Research file must be in an A4 lever arch file, but content can be digitally printed.

· All experiments can be A5 or bigger

· End piece must be at least A3 in size


Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The National Forest.

On Saturday morning, which happened to be the coldest day of the year so far so much that we had 5 inches of snow on the afternoon, I decided it was the ideal day to go to Branston Water Park and take images for The National Forest/Photo-Canopy brief.

To be honest I think the weather was perfect for my idea for this brief, but not ideal physically for taking photos on 3 different cameras.

I took with me a Canon 35mm film camera with 200 iso colour film camera that I recently bought in a charity shop for £3, a Mamiya medium format camera with black and white 120 film, a light meter and also a digital SLR Cannon 1100D so I could get instant images and I could see what my work is going to look like instantly.

Despite the cold I took 16 images on my 35mm camera, leaving some exposures for another project I am planning! Used up my 120 film in my medium format camera (although I took 2 images at the washlands in Burton) and took 3 images I am happy with using my digital camera.

I really enjoyed taking these images at Branston, despite nearly getting frostbite, I think my idea for the Brief is quite interesting.

I have decided to show the beauty of the National Forest in the winter and how it's a shame that people don't use the forest very much throughout the winter, and then revisit places in Summer and show how well-used it is, but it's just as nice for a day out in winter as it is in summer.

Jade Birchnall.

I really enjoyed having the lecture from Jade Birchnall.

Not only because she is of my age, did the same National Diploma course as me at the same college, but because her projects were very thought provoking and inspiring.

Although I don't share the same passion or urge to photograph strippers as she seemed to posses, I understood the reasons why she wanted to do that, although I loved her work of nuns, priests and old people.

To be honest the main reason I liked her work, wasn't because of the actual content of the work, the only images I genuinely really appreciated was the still life images she took at the nursing home when the patients weren't around. The reason I liked her work was because it inspired me to get back into using film because I'd stepped back from this a while ago and stuck to digital, mainly because of the price of photo paper or getting colour processed.

Over the past week I have now used 120 film and a medium format camera to do the response to John Myers boring landscapes, but killed two birds with one stone and took it to Branston Water Park with me and used it to tie in with my Nationel Forest/Photo-Canopy work. Also at Branston I took a 35mm camera which I bought from a charity shop for £3 and have really enjoyed using film again.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Ikon Gallery.

Yesterday we went to the Ikon gallery & the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery in Birmingham.

When we arrived at the Ikon gallery in brindley place I thought it looked quite big and spacious, but once getting inside the exhibitions you realised how small the space was.

The first exhibition we went into was Stuart Whipps - Why contribute to the spread of ugliness?
I liked the way this exhibition was presented in a dark white walled galley, with projectors that are on a timer for different walls to be projected on at different times with different images. I liked the first room which had a video of a man photographing a scenery because it was us watching the photographer and not the aesthetics.

The second exhibition was John Myers - Middle England.
Firstly, I did not like the layout of this exhibition at all, the prints were so small they looked like postcards, they were spaced too widely for my liking so the space looked overly bare. The images themselves were interesting, but with the shine off the glass, the small size of the images and the spacing, I could have appreciated the images better on the computer or printed in front of me/in the book.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

The Gaze.

We had a talk called The Gaze today which covered both the male and female gaze. It was basically about the way that men and women look at each other, in a negative and positive way.

We also covered aspects such as narcissism and voyeurism, saying can a photo be both voyeuristic and narcissistic? How do you show narcissism? Who is watching who in a photo? All things i can research into further for the presentation I need to create in 5 weeks.

I found this talk really inspirational and it gave me a lot of ideas for projects, not just for the presentation but for personal use as well.

I liked most of the artists and pieces shown to us. i liked Merry Aleprn's dirty windows andshopping, camera club, Corrine Day's Tara and Shizuka Yokomizu doing her 10 minute window piece the most and I want to research into these more.

Ikon Gallery.

We are visiting the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham on the 17th of January 2012.

We are going to see the exhibitions Stuart Whipps: "Why contribute to the spread of ugliness?" and John Myers: "Middle England" and then at 6.30 we are going to a talk.

I think we might be visiting another show/gallery between the visit and the talk on the evening but I haven't jad confirmation on that yet.

I am going to take my Canon DSLR and my 35mm film camera with me to birmingham to get some interesting shots and to hopefully get some images for the fujifilm and other competitions.